How Are you Doing? Getting By In These Virus Days

Message from our Executive Director Steve Ellison

“You got to suffer if you want to sing the blues.” During these crazy days of “social distancing” and “sheltering at home”, that potent line gives a whole lot of us license to pick up the ole ax and/or bust into a righteous refrain. ‘Specially if you actually try to make a living with your music. Which, I thank whatever gods may be, that I do not.

But I know a lot of people who do exactly that, as well as many, many more who really, really dig watching and listening to them do that. If you are reading this, chances are you qualify as one of the aforementioned types.

In the face of our dire situation, it sometimes seems this virus was perhaps the earth’s way of separating us from the joy we get from enjoying music together as musicians and/or music lovers. Just to teach us a lesson, for just a while…..I hope.

Well, if you’re following all the rules (heartily endorsed by yours truly) you might be ready for a dose of your favorite drug, served up for your pleasure along with an opportunity to help your favorite musician survive the current dearth of gigs. Yes, you can mainline a dose of rhythm and blues, jazz, bluegrass, big band, rock (from just about any era), country, Texas swing, classical, or just about any genre. All you need is- Ta Da! The internet. (I feel pretty optimistic about our chances of surviving the virus, but God forbid the internet/TV should go down. One shudders to think!)

There are lots of ways to track down your favorite artists online. I’m not going to insult the intelligence of the readers by thinking I need to explain it to them. As if I really knew. I hate technology, for the most part. But by the way, it does provide us opportunities to donate to our favorite writers and players. Most (well, many) of the clips you ‘ll find will provide ample opportunity to donate.

So don’t sit there fretting (pun intended, guitar players). Horn section, don’t blow it and don’t bottom out, bass. Go check out some faves online, and DONATE, man! Right off the top of my head, YouTube and Facebook both let you search for artists and/or songs, but now I get the feeling I may be insulting your intelligence again. Sorry.

More entertaining thoughts, prose and opinion from Steve @ JACKS GUIDE See you there!

Steve Ellison (Stevie B)