Find yourself stuck? Call us.
If we can’t help immediately, we’ll find someone who can.
If you are in an emergency situation and can think of no one else to turn to, call this number and we’ll do what we can, even if it’s only to point you in the right direction or offer suggestions.

Temporary Hot Line number: 404.525.3797

  • If no one answers, please leave a detailed message. We’re all volunteers here, so there might not be anyone available to answer immediately, but we’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.
  • Call from a phone number we can use to call you back.
  • We can’t do much about medical emergencies; we may be able to help you after all the drama and trauma is done, but we’re not 911.
  • We’re not bail bondsmen, either, but we may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help with legal issues.
  • If you (or someone you’re with) are struggling with alcohol or drug-related issues, refer to our RESOURCES section (right beside the button you just clicked on for HOT LINE).